Saturday, 26 January 2019

Top 5 Best Benefits of Dates

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               Dates Nutrition Facts
They are a very rich source of vitamins and minerals and are very beneficial for the body. Read more to know in detail about the nutritional value of dates.

*calories: 20.
*total fat: 0.03 grams (g)
*total carbohydrates: 5.33 g.
*dietary fiber: 0.6 g.
*sugar: 4.5 g.
*protein: 0.17 g.
*vitamin B-6: 0.012 milligrams (mg)
*iron: 0.07 mg.

Dates are especially rich in vitamins B6, A, and K. These help in bone development and improve eye health. The fiber in dates improves intestinal health and naturally reduces cholesterol. It also prevents dangerous ailments like stomach and colon cancers. Other minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, protein, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and sulfur aid in the overall body functioning. They improve the metabolism and immunity as well. Folate is good for pregnancy. Thiamin (nervous system), niacin (cholesterol levels), and riboflavin (energy production) are the other vitamins the fruit is rich in.

So, that was about the dates nutritional value, now let’s take a deep insight into dates fruit benefits.

                            Health Benefits Of Dates
The many health benefits of eating dates include constipation relief, regulating cholesterol levels ,intestinal disorders, heart problems, anemia and sexual dysfunctions.

1. Dates For Constipation:
As per a study, the date pulp extract stimulates the gastrointestinal transit activity and can aid in treating constipation (1). The pulp of the fruit achieves this by correcting the mineral content deregulation that occurs during constipation. The fibers in dates were also found to prevent cancers of the digestive system.

According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, inadequate intake of fiber could cause constipation (2). Dates, being good sources of fiber, can solve this problem. Eating a minimum of 20 to 35 grams of fiber every day makes your stools soft and prevents the condition. And more importantly, limit your consumption of foods that contain no fiber at all.

2.Improve Heart Health:
Just a handful of dates a day was found to improve heart health (3). The antioxidants in dates prevent atherosclerosis, which is basically the arteries getting hard and clogged with plaque. These antioxidants stimulate cholesterol removal from the artery cells.

Dates also contain isoflavones (the second highest of any fruit) that are known to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (4).

We already saw dates contain fiber. As per one UK study, regular intake of dates has been linked to a lower risk of coronary heart disease (5). Fiber also helps in weight management, which can also lead to heart disease (6).

3. Help Regulate Cholesterol:
One of the effective dates benefits. According to one Israeli study, intake of dates, even by healthy individuals, can have beneficial effects on cholesterol levels and oxidative stress (7).

Dates contain no cholesterol. They are also rich in iron and have more fiber than bananas.

4. Improve Bone Health:
Dates are rich sources of copper, magnesium, selenium, and manganese – all of which are important to keep your bones healthy and prevent bone-related conditions like osteoporosis.

Dates are also rich in vitamin K, which is a blood coagulant and helps metabolize your bones (8).

As per a report by the North Dakota State University, dates also contain boron that is healthy for the bones (9).

5. Regulates Blood Pressure:
Dates are rich in potassium, and the mineral helps lower blood pressure levels (10). One medjool date contains about 167 mg of potassium, which is relatively high compared to other fruits. Not taking adequate potassium can also lead to kidney stones.

One report by the Harvard Medical School discourages the use of drugs for blood pressure. Though certain drugs work well, they might not solve the exact problem. And they also have side effects (11).

Fiber also stabilizes blood sugar levels. It also counterbalances the effects of sodium in your diet – and this lowers blood pressure. The magnesium in the fruit relaxes the muscles in your heart and blood vessels, consequently reducing blood pressure.

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